Saturday, September 3, 2011

Goodbye August!

Well, that's that... August is over, and the so-called "-ber" months are here. Well, it's not just any August, but the end of an extraordinary month for The Old Soul Store --- its best ever! Sales spiked to its highest level since the store went online in December 2008. The big spike put the 8-month sales total for this year already above the whole year's totals for 2009 and 2010! And, as if to put icing on the cake, The Old Soul 2012 New York Calendar which was launched at the end of the month got a Today's Best Award and made it to the Top 10 Calendar Views list!

Since I opened the store, the annual surge in sales would usually come in September, because it seems to be the time of year when a certain Linda from Fenton, Missouri would visit the store and purchase hundreds of copies of this postcard:

This year, she made her big purchase in August.

Over the years, Linda has purchased about 1,300 copies of the postcard (300-500 copies at a time)! I've always wondered what she does with it... Perhaps she owns a souvenir shop over in Fenton and sells these there? I have no clue. Linda, if you happen to stumble across this blog, I would love to hear from you (! Thank you so much for being such a great and loyal customer to the store! You practically, single-handedly put this postcard at the top of the search results for New York postcards on Zazzle. You really put the store on the Zazzle map! I did leave a message on the product wall, so maybe you'll see that the next time you purchase the postcard (and I do hope there will be many next times!).

But aside from Linda's big purchase coming a month earlier than usual, many other buyers came to the store getting more than just single copies of products like they usually do. More took advantage of the volume discounts available. There was hardly a day that went by in August where I did not wake up to email notifications telling me that I made a sale...

Postcards are truly the bread and butter of The Old Soul Store , but a number of customers came in August and liked other types of products as well. I was so happy to have sold my first iPhone 4 case:

I would like to think that this design has some promise, so I used it for other products too:

Anyway, the "-ber" months usually get people thinking about the Christmas season, and I hope that's enough to keep the momentum going for the store. I have a couple of ideas already to take advantage of the Christmas rush, but I hope I get to work on it before I get caught up in the rush myself! Speaking of momentum, looks like someone from California found the store and bought 35 postcards just now... The momentum builder here has quite a familiar look to it if you ask me:

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